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Close more deals remotely with all the tools your team needs including built-in video, web and audio conferencing, and much more

Sales Metrics & Dashboards

Unmatched reporting and dashboard capability allowing users to easily see live data and metrics with the ability to slice and dice information on the fly

Sales Training & Role PlaY

Tailor your sales training program based on each team members knowledge and skills. Live and video recording role-play ensure compliance and standardized messaging 

Live CoachinG & Sales Logic

Drastically increase win rates with built-in customizable sales logic/help and live coaching features including real-time chat. Now everyone can be a sales superstar regardless of their sales experience  

EMPLOYEE Onboarding

Cut employee onboarding time in half while providing a fun easy-to-use platform​ that keeps employees engaged using mobile, gamification and a dynamic interface


01 / FAST

The Sale Rocket Platform (SRP) is 100% web-based and is up and running immediately so there is no long setup or configuration time required like other Sales, Training and Onboarding solutions.  Quickly and easily customize the system as needed on the fly and navigate with sub-second response.   

  1. Fast to Onboard

  2. Fast to Train

  3. Fast to Increase Sales


Companies can finally have a system that works the way they need it to. The Sale Rocket Platform (SRP) allows clients to easily control all aspects of the user experience, from creating/modifying user pages and dashboards, training/onboarding programs, live reports, executive dashboards, email alerts, workflow, and much more. Easily import all of your existing data and/or seamlessly connect to all your third-party systems (i.e., HR, CRM, etc.) for real-time updates and data flow.

03 / EASY

The Sale Rocket Platform (SRP) is so easy to use Sales Teams actually look forward to using the system knowing they are continually improving their sales skills and knowledge, streamlining their sales process and most of all allowing more time to focus on what they care about most, which is Closing Sales! 

SRP requires no training, using automation, built-in sales logic/help, customizable workflow and simple point and click navigation to guide users throughout the system.

Sale Rocket #1 Sales & Training Platform -Founder Gregory Snyder, Co-Founder Queue in the Cloud LLC and BC in the Cloud LLC
Sale Rocket #1 Sales & Training Platform -Founder Gregory Snyder, Co-Founder Queue in the Cloud LLC and BC in the Cloud LLC
Sale Rocket #1 Sales & Training Platform -Founder Gregory Snyder, Co-Founder Queue in the Cloud LLC and BC in the Cloud LLC



A true collaboration of sales professionals and technology experts with one goal; to provide a tool to help drastically increase your sales.

Our Team is comprised of sales professionals that have decades of experience leading/managing sales and marketing teams with a strong background and passion for  technology.

Working hand-in-hand with a technology team that has built, managed, and deployed streamlined applications for numerous industries.  We decided it was time to finally end the pain for companies that have to buy and train their team on multiple tools, and figure out how to integrate all the data. Our Platform was designed by Sales People for Sales People to streamline the entire onboarding, training and sales process, not hinder it. 


We want to even the playing field for companies when it comes to sales. By providing the easiest to use all-in-one sales platform we can help companies streamline their entire onboarding, training, learning management and sales process, and close more deals.   Some companies have great sales professionals but bury them in all the inefficient sales processes to try and get the metrics they need to meet stringent compliance and stakeholder requirements while other companies can not afford to hire the experienced sales professionals so they spend too much time onboarding and training their sales team losing valuable time needed for prospecting and closing deals. 


All-in-One Training & Sales Platform that is secure, fun and easy to use, simple to modify, dynamic and unlike any other sales tool available.

We were tired of all the clunky onboarding tools, learning management systems and sales/marketing tools that were built on old, outdated and difficult to use platforms (not to mention all sold as separate pieces and parts).  The Sale Rocket Platform (SRP) is an all-in-one sales tool that Sales Teams actually enjoy using. It is so intuitive it requires no training or ramp up time.  Securely access and use the Sale Rocket Platform from any device and any location with data updating and displaying in real-time.



Sale Rocket #1 Sales & Training Platform -Founder Gregory Snyder, Co-Founder Queue in the Cloud LLC and BC in the Cloud LLC

Tel: (877) 684-7763

7400 Beaufont Springs Drive

Richmond, VA 23225



Sale Rocket- CEO & Founder Greg Snyder, previous Co-Founder Queue in the Cloud LLC and BC in the Cloud
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